Thursday, February 8, 2007

And so it begins

Well, another semester has started and questions of what will I do this semester arise. Last semester I began to work with a subject and carried it out through all my studio classes. The topic that I worked with is still very much an issue in my life now, as it was last summer and fall. So where do I take it? I always find that often, I do the same thing, over and over, and bore the audience. I don't want my work to be boring, when it has impacted my life so much. The end of last semester proved to be successful. I made work, I made art, that really put out there what I was feeling and dealing with. The topic though, is one that I know people get sick of. I myself am sick of it, but some things in your life take a while to go away. And so I brainstorm. Think of the extremes that I could take with my topic of choice.
I give myself such boundaries though-I often feel that I think I am just afraid of what everyone will think. Which in a way, is the issue that I have focused on. This one ideal figure is always presented, and what do you do when you aren't that ideal. There are those that continue, just being them, because they have the confidence to know that they are so much more. Then you have the other group, that strives to the point of exhaustion, to be that perfect figure. And then there is me. A middle variable, who at times knows that they have something that is unique and has no need for change. That they are more then just what the ideal stands for. And yet, at the same time, they want to be the perfect.

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