Sunday, April 29, 2007

Philadelphia Museum of Art

I went to the Philadelphia Museum of Art the other weekend- and I forgot how much I do actually love to walk around museums. I am not someone who views art very often. Its mostly because I am not a fan of the majority of work that is being shown, but also because I don't always find that much joy or education from galleries.

But then when I do go, and I am staring at a Degas painting and then discover his sculptures. And Cezanne is staring me in the face- I love it and say why don't I go more often.

I was looking at the prints-and I was just in love and said to myself, this is why I am an artist. But its like for me, the moment I step out of there-that inspiration leaves me.

I got in trouble. It was funny because I am very abide by the rules- look over the policies. But when I dressed in my cute skirt and polo and entered into the museum, I felt that I was in line-in the perfect attire with my little notebook, all ready to discover something new. Except that I brought with me a pen. As a printmaker, I am used to using pencils for everything- but I just never thought for some reason that I wouldn't be able to bring it into the museum. It makes sense now as to why- some people are clumsy and some people are rebels and others are rude.

My then forced search for a pencil at the information desk, ruined my groove. I was in the zone-I was loving the art work. I had my path all figured out- down the galleries on the right, up the center, down the left. I will say all the galleries I walked through after this incident-I just wasn't into it.

Luckily the pen scolding occured after the degas and cezanne.

The Funny Hats

I wrote this little story one day at work two summers ago. Its funny how the story is a lot better then the illustrations I have for it, shouldn't it be the other way around?

One nice day,
In funny hat town,
The funny hat people,
Started dancing around.

The danced under the sunj
And under the moonlight too!
And continued till the next morning,
When the sky grew blue.

Later in the day
A grey cloud came by
The funny hats stopped dancing
And began to cry.

"Why does this rain cloud
Spoil our song,
Why can't this grey rain cloud
Just move along!"

They sat in the funny hat house,
And watched for the sun.
Until one funny hat said
"Maybe there is another way to have fun?"

"We could play hide and seek,
Or dance on the beds?
As long as we are careful,
And don't bump our heads"

So the funny hats played
In the house all afternoon,
And soon after supper
Out came the moon!

The jumped with joy
and ran out under the stars,
They danced and sang
And ate ice cream bars.

But soon it got late
And it was time for bed,
"Goodnight my funny hat children,
Sweet dreams" their mother said.

I have a sequal in the works-its about the first day at school.

Time Out

Do you ever just wish you could ask for a time out. A chance to pause life, so you can rethink, reorganize, regroup...and then continue on when you are ready. I've been asking myself if I could have a time out a lot recently- Its hard when you are a junior, with one more year to go and three years behind you-and you wish that you could just time out, change gears, and regroup. Just have a day, or two, to focus on nothing else by rethinking your life. Because come junior year- you are pretty set in your path. You can't get to a year before graduation and just change everything. What if I woke up tomorrow and told myself that I would really love to be an elementry teacher when I graduate. Or that I would really enjoy the HRIM program. It's to late though-unless you want to spend another three years in school for your undergrad. Which I can asure you is not the case with me. I have been ready to leave since I got here.

I just need to pause. I try to pause- I halfway pause. But then you get some important email, or a friend calls with a crisis. And you just want to say NO- this is my time out!

Geez-its annoying when people complain.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Sunday, April 1, 2007


So this may sound a little silly- but when I was wandering around Disney & MGM studies over my spring vacation- I was mesmorized. I started thinking how much fun it would be to work on the planning and designing of an amusment park. All the small details, like temperature and color, that make the world seem so believable, and really give the visitor the desired feeling and emotion. How in certain rides that wish to provoke a chill up your spine, they are able to not simply because of the surrounding objects, but because of the temperature and lighting. I just think it would be a really awesome job. Plus- I love disney.

My New Route

After a lot of brainstorming and talking out my objectives with my professor- I have decided that what I really want to tell the world is to be happy with themselves. I decided that the whole message I was trying to share last semester when I had imagery that focused on the self-conscience self and the pressure that some feel in regards to body image, was to be happy with yourself. This semester I want to focus on that, the happiness that women should feel with themselves. Really- the happiness that everyone should feel, men and women.

I am having trouble of course figuring out how to portray this. The Dove campaign has given me some inspiration- but I don't want to simply copy what they have already done. Hopefully I won't fail at excecuting this idea.